Obec Špania Dolina
obecŠpania Dolina


Špania Dolina (present name comes from a Latin word Spanatus. From its beginning it had many other names: Montania (1263), later Grueb (1458), Valis, Dominorum, Herrengrund (1535), Úrvölgy, Baňa, Španá Dolina.)
The village is situated 11 km to the north from Bnaska Bystrica, not far from Stare Hory, on the borderline of the Low Tatras and the Great Fatra, in 728 m above sea level. It is an ancient mining village rich with history, going back in time to 2000 – 1700 B.C.
Gaining a significance of European format was caused in the 15th century, the time when Thurzo-Fugger’s – Ungarischer Handel, (copper works) started the company operation from Banska Bystrica.

To build on this famous period of history we: citizens, cottiers, and all the friends of Spania Dolina started working on retrieving old information from archives, preserving what has left in terms of historical sites, traditions, and working on it, so it all be available to the largest audience possible. So here, we take the privilege, to turn to the whole European community to join the forces. We appreciate every peace of (at the moment lost) information we can get, or every bit of a thing that has its origins here. We are looking forward to start the widest cooperation possible.
We have set a huge plans for ourselves, some of which has been completed and introduced on this website. Apart from what it is written here, the village itself offers beautiful mountain surroundings and views, crisp clear air and tranquility, able to heal the soul. If you need to move more then there are, quite flat, high above the village (in 800 m) mountain tracks perfect for cross-country skiing in winter or mountain bikes in summer. In addition, if you like hiking, then following the path where the unique spaniadolina’s watercourse once had led (from Prasiva Mountain in 1100m above sea, almost 40 km down to the village) would surely be a satisfying experience.

We are looking forward to your visit.

Spania Dolina



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